
Do You Want To Be Made Well?
Mark Kemple
10/02/22 Sermon

Phil Holloway
10/02/22 Bible Class

Triumphant Grace
Mark Kemple
09/25/22 Sermon

Sacrifices That Please God
Mark Kemple
09/25/22 Bible Class

David's Confession
Mark Kemple
09/18/22 Sermon

True Worship
Mark Kemple
09/18/22 Bible Class

Praying the Psalms
John Powell
09/14/22 Bible Class

What Prevents Me From Being Baptized?
Mark Kemple
09/11/22 Sermon

Lament Psalms (continued)
Mark Kemple
09/11/22 Bible Class

Partnership in the Gospel
Mark Kemple
09/04/22 Sermon

Worship Outside the Assembly
John Powell
09/04/22 Bible Class

Am I A Barnabas?
Mark Kemple
08/28/22 Sermon

Exploring Relationship in Worship (Pt 1)
Mark Kemple
08/28/22 Bible Class

The Psalms as a Tutor
Mark Kemple
08/24/22 Bible Class

God of the Nations
Luke Adams
08/21/22 Sermon

What is a Psalm?
Casey Dent
08/21/22 Bible Class

Completing Worship (Part 2)
Mark Kemple
08/17/22 Bible Class

My Offering
Mark Kemple
08/14/22 Sermon

Completing Worship
Mark Kemple
08/14/22 Bible Class

Who Can Be Saved?
Mark Kemple
08/07/22 Sermon