Preaching from the Bible alone.
Use the search and/or filters to find the sermon(s) you are looking for. Learn more about our beliefs. Sermons are in the MP3 format and may contain supplimentary files, such as the sermon outline or PowerPoint slides.
What Jesus Overcame
Mark Kemple
09/01/19 Sermon
Be Strong in the Lord
Mark Kemple
08/25/19 Sermon
Spiritual Warfare 1 - Foundation Concepts
Glen Clubb
08/18/19 Sermon
Nashua Kids at Camp
Mark Kemple
08/11/19 Sermon
My Relationship With The Truth
Mark Kemple
08/04/19 Sermon
Bear One Another's Burdens
Mark Kemple
07/28/19 Sermon
Christ, the Good Shepherd
Wendell Stevens
07/21/19 Sermon
A Christian's Sin
Mark Kemple
07/14/19 Sermon
A Tale of Two Prophets
Mark Kemple
07/07/19 Sermon
Fishers of Men
Matt Vaughn
06/30/19 Sermon
Case Studies in Trading Down
Mark Kemple
06/23/19 Sermon
Striving Together
Mark Kemple
06/16/19 Sermon
Working For God's Purpose
Luke Adams
06/09/19 Sermon
The Right Tools for Winning the Lost
Mark Kemple
05/26/19 Sermon
Compelling Evidence for Faith
Mark Kemple
05/19/19 Sermon
Did Jesus Really Care About Same-sex Relationships?
Mark Kemple
05/12/19 Sermon
Mark Kemple
05/05/19 Sermon
Mark Kemple
04/28/19 Sermon
Questioning God
Mark Kemple
04/21/19 Sermon
Devoted Teachers
Mark Kemple
04/07/19 Sermon