Preaching from the Bible alone.
Use the search and/or filters to find the sermon(s) you are looking for. Learn more about our beliefs. Sermons are in the MP3 format and may contain supplimentary files, such as the sermon outline or PowerPoint slides.
Praying God's Promises
Mark Broyles
07/03/11 Sermon
God And Gargoyles
Mark Broyles
06/26/11 Sermon
Arrest In The Garden
Mark Broyles
06/22/11 Sermon
Paul's Puzzling Paradoxes
Mark Broyles
06/19/11 Sermon
In The Garden
Mark Broyles
06/15/11 Sermon
Why Are We Here?
Mark Broyles
06/12/11 Sermon
The Lord's Prayer
Mark Broyles
06/08/11 Sermon
Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
Mark Broyles
06/05/11 Sermon
It Won't Be Easy
Mark Broyles
06/01/11 Sermon
What Happens To Children Who Die Before They Are Baptized?
Mark Broyles
05/29/11 Sermon
About Singing #4
Mark Broyles
05/22/11 Sermon
About Singing #3
Mark Broyles
05/15/11 Sermon
Show us the Father
Mark Broyles
05/11/11 Sermon
Troubled Heart
Mark Broyles
05/04/11 Sermon
About Singing: It's Who We Are
Mark Broyles
05/01/11 Sermon
About Singing?
Mark Broyles
04/24/11 Sermon
Things We Must Continue
Marty Gunter
04/20/11 Sermon
Jesus Was a Friend To Sinners
David Griffin
04/17/11 Sermon
Jesus And The Eleven
Mark Broyles
04/13/11 Sermon
The Lord's Supper
Mark Broyles
04/10/11 Sermon