Preaching from the Bible alone.
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In His Right Mind
Wendell Stevens
06/24/12 Sermon
Just Like Our Father
Mark Broyles
06/17/12 Sermon
How God Views You
Andy Asher
06/13/12 Sermon
A Call To Action
Chris Goddard
06/10/12 Sermon
Gird Up The Loins of Your Mind
Mark Broyles
06/03/12 Sermon
You Call Me Lord
Mark Broyles
05/30/12 Sermon
Why God's People Have A Reason to Rejoice
Mark Broyles
05/27/12 Sermon
Who Are God's People?
Mark Broyles
05/23/12 Sermon
Mighty to Save
Jeremy Messner
05/20/12 Sermon
Passion For God
Mark Broyles
05/09/12 Sermon
Baptism For The Dead
Mark Broyles
05/06/12 Sermon
The Origin of Life- Why It Matters
David Weber
05/02/12 Sermon
Out of Nothing
Phil Holloway
04/29/12 Sermon
The Boy Who Stayed Home
Mark Broyles
04/22/12 Sermon
Lost and Found
Jason Bray
04/18/12 Sermon
Tug Of War
Wendell Stevens
04/15/12 Sermon
Two Hopes
Mark Broyles
04/11/12 Sermon
Deep Rooted Joy
Mark Broyles
04/08/12 Sermon
The Guarantee of Hope
Mark Broyles
04/04/12 Sermon
Father, I Have Sinned
Mark Broyles
04/01/12 Sermon