Preaching from the Bible alone.
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Forgotten Fields
Mark Broyles
05/05/13 Sermon

Reality Check
Larry Goddard
04/28/13 Sermon

A Great Day
Mark Broyles
04/17/13 Sermon

Will You Really Die For Christ?
Mark Broyles
04/14/13 Sermon

You Are The Light Of The World
Mark Broyles
04/07/13 Sermon

The Empty Tomb
Mark Broyles
03/31/13 Sermon

Questioned By Jesus II
Mark Broyles
03/17/13 Sermon

The Power Of Influence
Mark Broyles
03/10/13 Sermon

Defending Marriage
Wendell Stevens
03/03/13 Sermon

Questioned By Jesus
Mark Broyles
02/24/13 Sermon

Fan or Follower?
Phil Holloway
02/17/13 Sermon

Building Houses
Mark Broyles
02/10/13 Sermon

Bearing Much Fruit
Wendell Stevens
02/03/13 Sermon

The Cursed Fig Tree
Mark Broyles
01/27/13 Sermon

To This One I Will Look
Mark Broyles
01/20/13 Sermon

Clothed With Christ
Mark Broyles
01/13/13 Sermon

Mark Broyles
01/06/13 Sermon

Mark Broyles
01/02/13 Sermon

Resolutions From A Wise Man, Part 2
Mark Broyles
12/30/12 Sermon

A Piercing Question: Do You Love Me?
Mark Broyles
12/26/12 Sermon