Preaching from the Bible alone.
Use the search and/or filters to find the sermon(s) you are looking for. Learn more about our beliefs. Sermons are in the MP3 format and may contain supplimentary files, such as the sermon outline or PowerPoint slides.
Leadership In A Hostile World
Mark Broyles
11/18/12 Sermon
I'm Not Crazy, I'm Saved
Mark Broyles
11/14/12 Sermon
Excelling As Sojourners and Pilgrims
Mark Broyles
11/11/12 Sermon
Waiting For The Wedding
Mark Broyles
11/07/12 Sermon
Living in the End Times
Mark Broyles
11/04/12 Sermon
Shining Examples
Mark Broyles
10/31/12 Sermon
Armed with the Mind of Christ
Mark Broyles
10/28/12 Sermon
Lose The Guilt
Mark Broyles
10/24/12 Sermon
Battles For The Lord
Mark Broyles
10/17/12 Sermon
Do You Believe?
Phil Holloway
10/14/12 Sermon
The Mirror Of The Soul
Mark Broyles
10/10/12 Sermon
Excellence In Suffering, Part 2
Mark Broyles
10/07/12 Sermon
How Are We Any Different?
Mark Broyles
10/03/12 Sermon
Excellence In Suffering, Part 1
Mark Broyles
09/30/12 Sermon
Up From Lo-Debar
Mark Broyles
09/26/12 Sermon
An Excellent Lifestyle
Mark Broyles
09/23/12 Sermon
Mark Broyles
09/19/12 Sermon
Excelling In Marriage - Husbands
Mark Broyles
09/16/12 Sermon
Why Are You Standing Around?
Mark Broyles
09/12/12 Sermon
Excelling In Marriage - Wives
Mark Broyles
09/09/12 Sermon